Paulette Phillips, MFA, sculpture York University
Professor, Film, Video and Installation Practices, OCAD University
Born in Nova Scotia; works in Toronto and London

York University. Toronto, Ontario. MFA, 2008
Maryland Institute for Criminal Justice. Millersville, Maryland. Certified Lie Detector, 2009
Canadian Film Centre. Toronto, Ontario. Graduate of the Advanced Film Training Program, 1992
Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non-degree status
Acadia University. Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Non-degree status
Nova Scotia College of Art & Design. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Non-degree status
Diaz Contemporary. Toronto, Canada
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England
Dalhousie University Art Gallery. Halifax, Nova Scotia - The Directed Lie. Two-person with Thierry Duvall
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England - The Directed Lie
Diaz Contemporary. Toronto, Ontario - The Directed Lie
Galerie Michéle Chomette. Paris, France - The Directed Lie
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art in Paris. Paris, France - Show Off: History Appears Twice…
National School of Art & Design Gallery. Dublin, Ireland - History Appears Twice...
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England - Shakey Legs
Convenience Gallery. Toronto, Ontario - Ursa Major
Diaz Contemporary. Toronto, Ontario - History Appears Twice…
Canadian Cultural Centre. Paris, France - Lisa Klapstock/Paulette Phillips. Two-person curated by C Bédard
Mois d’la Photo, La Centrale. Montreal, Quebec - The Floating House
Diaz Contemporary. Toronto, Ontario - Monster Tree
Humanitas Festival: Networked Cities. Toronto, Ontario - Bubbalova, Commissioned by InterAccess
Sparwasser. Berlin, Germany - Dying to Make a Living. Curated by Lise Nelleman
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England -The Secret Life of Criminals
Cambridge Galleries. Cambridge, Ontario. - The Secret Life of Criminals. Curated by Gordon Hatt
Oakville Galleries. Oakville, Ontario - Clues and Curiosties. Curated by Marnie Fleming
Art Gallery of Ottawa. Ottawa, Ontario - The Floating House. Curated by Renee Baert
Paul Petro Contemporary Art. Toronto, Ontario - Ecstasy
Paul Petro Contemporary Art. Toronto, Ontario - It’s about how people judge appearance
Paul Petro Contemporary Art. Toronto, Ontario -The Secret Life of Criminals
Galerie Chomette, Paris, France - Video and Movie Phrase
Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Ontario - The Green of Her. Curated Daniella Sanader
Luminato Festival. Toronto, Ontario - Trace Elements. Curated by Magda Gonzales-Mora
O’Born Contemporary Art. Toronto, Ontario - Stories Told. Curated John Monteith
Toronto Dance Theatre. Toronto, Ontario - On Display. Commissioned by Christopher House
Dazibao. Montreal, Quebec - Home Sweet Home. Curated by Olivia Boudreau & France Choiniere
The Power Plant. Toronto, Ontario - One, Two and More than Two. Curated by Micah Lexier
Gare de Rouen. Rouen, France - Ma ville vue du Train. Curated by Camille Duguay & Mayeul de Buyer
Queens Plaza. New York, New York - No Longer Empty: How Much Do We Owe. Curated by Manon Slome
McMaster University Art Gallery. Hamilton, Ontario - About the Mind. Curated by Ihor Holubizky
Electric Eclectics Festival 8. Meaford, Ontario - The Open. Curated by Gordon Monahan
Ed Video Media Arts Centre. Guelph, Ontario
- K-Town: Listen to Your Heart. Curated by M Singh, Luke Painter
Parc de la Villette. Paris, France - L'Oeil sur les rues. Curated by Claude David-Basualdo
Art Platform Los Angeles. Los Angeles, California - Video Lounge
Wharf, Centre d'art contemporain de Basse-Normandie. Hérouville-Saint-Clair, France - Tout Contre Nature
Maison des arts de Malakoff. Paris, France - Our House. Curated by Jeanne Susplugas
Galerie Michéle Chomette. Paris, France - Somewhere in Between. Curated by M Chomette, P Amoyel, N Giraud
Doris McCarthy Gallery. Scarborough, Ontario - inbetween. Curated by Mirellie Eagan
Musee D’Art Contemporain. Montreal, Quebec - Where are Yesterday’s Tomorrows? Curated by Lesley Johnstone
Vancouver Art Gallery. Vancouver, British Columbia - Cue: Artist’s Projections. Curated by Christopher Eamon
Confederation Centre Gallery. Charlottetown, PEI - inbetween. Curated by Mireille Eagan
Gallery Stratford. Stratford, Ontario - Drowning Orphelia. Curated by Carla Garnet
Shaw St Public School. Toronto, Ontario - Art School Dismissed. Curated by Heather Nicol
Nuit Blanche. Toronto, Ontario - Some Enchanted Evenings. Curated by Fern Bayer
Oakville Galleries. Oakville, Ontario - Un-home-ly. Curated by Matthew Hyland
Trinity Square Video. Toronto, Ontario - Apprehensions. Curated by JP Kelly
Art Gallery of Peterborough. Peterborough, Ontario - Warm Ice. Curated by Carla Garnet
Ha Gamle Prestegard Art Centre. Norway - An Attempt at Disappearance
Nuit Blanche. Toronto, Ontario - As Could Be. Curated by Thom Sokoloski
Gallerie Antje Wach. Berlin, Germany - Everlasting Legacy. Curated by Bettina Steinbruegge
Tatton Park Biennale. Cheshire, England (National Trust Site) - The Walking Ferns
National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario - Living Room
Daniel Reich Gallery. New York, New York - A Member of the Wedding. Curated by Susanne Winterling
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England - Machinic Alliances. Curated by D Arnaud, M Walsh, M Throp
Oakville Galleries. Oakville, Ontario - Mnemonic Devices. Curated by Matthew Hyland
Cambridge Galleries. Cambridge, Ontario - Site Visits. Curated by Ivan Jurakic, Esther E Shipman
Galerie Michele Chomette. Paris, France - Cycle Le Temps Du Regard
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England - Ruth Claxton, Marie-France & Patricia Martin, Paulette Phillips
Skol Gallery. Montreal, Quebec - Waiting Room. Curated by Patrice Duhamel
The Power Plant. Toronto, Ontario - We Can Do This Now. Curated by Helena Reckitt & Gregory Burke
Museum of Garden History. London, England - Repatriating the Ark. Curated by D Arnaud, J Kaplan, P Norman
Kunsthaus Graz. Graz, Austria - Protections Good for Nothing House
Heidelberger Kunstverein. Heidelberg, Germany - 100 Days. Curated by Katja Albers & Johan Holten
Ludwig Museum. Budapest, Hungary - Electromagnetic Bodies. Curated by Nina Czeglady & Louise Provencer
La Maison Européenne de la Photographie. Paris, France - Electromagnetic Bodies
Tent. Rotterdam, Holland - Electromagnetic Bodies
The Centro Cultural Conde Duque. Madrid, Spaine - Electromagnetic Bodies
MacLaren Art Centre. Barrie, Ontario - Tame. Curated by Lise Hosein
Site Gallery. Sheffield, England - His Life is Full of Miracles...Animation Videotheque
Artcite. Windsor, Ontario - Homewrecker
Palazzo della Papesse. Siena, Italy - Guardami, Percezione del video. Curated by Lorenzo Fusi & Marco Pierini
Prefix Centre for Contemporary Art. Toronto, Ontario - Exhibit A. Curated by Scott MacLeod
ZKM: Städtische Galerie. Germany - Electromagnetic Bodies. Curated by Himmelsbach, Czeglady & Provencer
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England - Staged. 3-person with Sarah Woodfine & Sophie Lacelles
Sir Wilfred Grenfell College Art Gallery. Corner Brook, Newfoundland - Exhibit A. Curated by Scott McLeod
Oboro. Montreal, Quebec - Electromagnetic Bodies. Curated by Nina Czeglady & Louise Provencer
Sparwasser HQ. Berlin, Germany - Dying to Make a Living. Curated by Lise Nellemann
Generatorprojects. Dundee, Scotland - Undertow
Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery. Halifax, Nova Scotia - Exhibit A. Curated by Scott McLeod
The Museum of Garden History. London, England - Exhumed. Curated by D Arnaud, J Kaplan, P Norman
Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery. Halifax, Nova Scotia - Placing Spaces, Spacing Places
BizArt Art Center. Shanghai, China - Media Centre Project: Oh Canada Video Program. Curated by Natalie De Vito
Vitamin Creative Space. Canton, China - Eye on the Streets
Artcite: Media City Festival 9 Installations. Windsor, Ontario - The Floating House
Arsenal Armory. Cologne, Germany - Wandehalle
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art. London, England - Ecstasy
Co-conspirators: If Looks Could Kill. Tate Modern. London, England - Marnies Handbag, 2008
21st Annual Images Festival. Toronto, Ontario - History Appears Twice, 2008
Rehab: 9th Annual Parkdale Film & Video Showcase. Toronto, Ontario - Monster Tree, 2007
Festival @rt Outsiders: Corps Electromagnétiques. Paris, France - Homewrecker, 2006
Artissima: Torino Film Festival. Turin, Italy - The Floating House, 2002
Video Culture: 5th Annual International New Media & Video Festival. Toronto, Ontario - Work, 1987
British/Canadian Video Exchange 84'. London, England - Find the Performer, 1984
13th Annual Festival International du Nouveau Cinéma & Vidéo. Montreal, Quebec - It Depends, 1984
Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival. Toronto, Ontario - Lockjaw, 1993
Northern Visions Images Festival. Toronto, Ontario - Lockjaw, 1993
Atlantic Film Festival. Halifax, Nova Scotia - Lockjaw, 1993
Humbolt Film Festival. Humbolt County, California - Work, 1993
The Australian Video Festival '89. Sydney, Australia - Salome, 1989
Atlantic Centre for the Arts. New Smyrna Beach, Florida, Master Residency with Rineke Dijkstra, 2009
Banff Centre for the Arts. Banff, Alberta: 1996, 1997, 2010
Canada Council International Residency: Paris Studio. Paris, France: 2002
La Cite Internationale des Arts. Paris, France: 2011
Home Sweet Home: A propos de l’inquietude. Olivia Boudreau and France Choinière
Published by Daziboa, 2014. ISBN 978-2-922135-42-8
Les Lendemains d’hier / Yesterday’s Tomorrows. Editors Lesley Johnstone & Philip Ursprung
Published by Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, 2010. ISBN 978-2-551-23939-9
Tatton Park Biennial 2008. Danielle Arnaud & Jordan Kaplan
Published by Tatton Park. Cheshire, England, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-9558721-1-2
Practical Dreamers, Conversations with Movie Artists. Edited by Michael Hoolboom
Published by Coach House Books, 2007. ISBN-13: 9781552452004
Explorations Narratives / Replaying Narrative. Edited by Marie Fraser
Published by Le Mois de la Photo å Montréal, 2007. ISBN 978-2-9808020-1-0
Catalogue de l’exposition Lisa Klapstock/Paulette Phillips. Gérard Wajcman
Published by
Centre Culturel Canadien, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-1896940441
Repatriating the Ark
Published by Parabola for the Museum of Garden History, 2006. ISBN:0-9547617-5-8
Resonance Electromagnetic Bodies. Nina Czeglady, Louise Provencer & Üveges, Krisztina
Published by the
Ludwig Museum, 2006. ISBN: 9639537128
Guardami, percezione del video. Francesco Bernardelli, Lorenzo Fusi, Pietro Montani
Published by
Palazzo delle Papesse, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-8873361794
Caught in the Act: An Anthology of Performance Art by Canadian Women. Edited by Tanya Mars & Johanna Householder
Published by YYZ Books, 2004. ISBN-13: 978-0920397848
Paulette Phillips: The Secret Life of Criminals. Janna Graham & Maria Walsh
Published by Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, 2004. ISBN:0-9547617-0-7
Paulette Phillips: The Secret Life of Criminals, Clues and Curiosities. Gordon Hatt, Kathleen Pirrie Adams
Co-Published by Oakville Galleries & Cambridge Galleries, 2004 ISBN 1-894707-20-6
Exhumed. Tiffany Jenkins, Jon Newman
Published by Parabola for the Museum of Garden History, 2003. ISBN:0953775291
By the Skin of Their Tongues: Artist Video Scripts. Edited by Nelson Henricks & Steve Reinke
Published by YYZ Books, 1997. ISBN-13: 978-0920397206
Decalog YYZ: 1979-1989. Edited by Barbara Fischer
Published by
YYZ Books, 1992. ISBN-13: 978-0920397084
Paulette Phillips: "Conor Kelly, Plainsong" (exhibition text) Mercer Union. Toronto, Ontario, 2006
Paulette Phillips: "Do the Wrong Thing" (exhibition text) Images Festival (Toronto) & Kino Arsenal (Berlin), 2003
Paulette Phillips: "Jane Wright, The Mississippi Tapes" (monograph) Art Metropole, 1995
Paulette Phillips: " Elizabeth Chitty’s Lake" C Magazine, (performance review), 1990
The Museum of Modern Art. New York, New York
The National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, Ontario
The National Gallery of Canada: Art Metropole Archive. Ottawa, Ontario
The Canada Council Art Bank. Ottawa, Ontario
Frac, Haute-Normandie. Caen, France
The Kitchen. New York, New York
Oakville Galleries. Oakville, Ontario
Trinity Square Video, Toronto, Ontario
Universidad Complutense, Facultad de Bellas Artes. Madrid, Spain
Ontario College of Art & Design. Toronto, Ontario
Concordia University. Montreal, Quebec
The Nova Scotia College of Art & Design.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
University of Regina. Regina, Saskatoon
McGill University. Montreal, Quebec
University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario
BMO Bank of Montreal
Gluskin Sheff + Associates
Canada Council Research & Development Grant: 2002, 2008, 2010
Canada Council Film & Video Artist Production Grant: 2000, 2006, 2009
Canada Council Senior Fellowship: 2003
Canada Council Media Artist Travel Grant: 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012
Canada Council International Residency: Paris Studio. Paris, France: 2002
Ontario Arts Council Visual Artist Grant (Established): 2002, 2004, 2009, 2011, 2016
Ontario Arts Council Media Artist Grant (Mid-Career & Established): 2001, 2007
Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant: 2001
Toronto Arts Council Visual Art Grant: 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2015
Chalmers Professional Development Grant: 2009
Joan Mitchell Foundation for the Arts Award: 2009
Chalmers Art Fellowship: 2005
Toronto Friends of the Visual Arts Award- Finalist: 2005
Dora Mavor Moore Award: Best Performance for The Lorca Play, 1992
Marian McMahon Award For Curation: for Do The Wrong Thing - International Program: Images Festival, 2003
Atlantic Film Festival, Halifax: Best Writing & Honourable Mention for Lockjaw, 1993
Humbolt Film Festival, California: Best Video Award for Work, 1993
Dora Mavor Moore Award: Nominated for Best New Play, Best Director for Under the Influence, 1992
Nominated for The Bell Video Award, 1992
Ontario College of Art & Design: Graduate Program Director, IAMD 2015-16
Ontario College of Art & Design: Professor, 2010-present
Ontario College of Art & Design: Chair of Integrated Media, 2011
Ontario College of Art & Design: Associate Professor, 2001-2010
Ontario College of Art & Design: Appointed to the Graduate Faculty, 2008
Ontario College of Art & Design: Instructor, 1985-2001
Nova Scotia College of Art & Design: Sessional Faculty, 1997
York University: Instructor-Fine Arts, 1997
York University: Instructor-Interdisciplinary Art, 1989
Panelist: "Law and the Curated Body" - York University. Toronto, Ontario, 2015
Curation w/ Robert Lee: "The Influence of Anxiety" Images Festival. Toronto, Ontario, 2015
Guest Lecturer - Mecha Kucha: InterAcess's 30th Anniversary. Toronto, Ontario, 2014
Guest Lecturer - Onsite: OCAD University. Toronto, Ontario, 2014
Conference: "UAAC-AAUC" - The Banff Centre. Banff, Alberta, 2013
Guest Lecturer - McMaster Museum of Art. Hamilton, Ontario, 2013
Artist Project - Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts and Communication, 2013
Screening Introduction - 9th Annual Canadian Reel Artists Film Festival. Toronto, Ontario, 2012
Guest Lecturer - University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario, 2011
Guest Lecturer - University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario, 2011
Curation: "Girls! Girls! Girls! Through the Lens of the Female Gaze" La Centrale. Montreal, Quebec, 2010
Juror: Ontario Arts Council (Integrated Arts). Toronto, Ontario, 2010
Guest Lecturer - Interaccess. Toronto, Ontario, 2009
Artist Project - Public #36: Emergency 2008
Panelist: "Tesla Symposium" - UCLA. Los Angeles, California, 2007
Guest Lecturer - “It’s about how people judge appearance" - NBK Kunsthalle. Berlin, Germany, 2006
Panelist: "Electromagnetic Bodies" - Maison Européenne d la Photographie. Paris, France, 2006
Guest Lecturer - "Repatriating the Ark" - Museum of Garden History. London, England, 2006
Guest Lecturer - Owens Art Gallery. Sackville, New Brunswick, 2006
Guest Lecturer - University of Windsor. Windsor, Ontario, 2006
Curation: "Making Room" Video Viewing Room. Toronto, Ontario, 2006
Presenter/Curator - "Do The Wrong Thing" - Kino Arsenale. Berlin, Germany, 2005
Board Member/President - Mercer Union. Toronto, Ontario, 2001-04
Juror: Ontario Arts Council. Toronto, Ontario, 2004
Curation: "Do the Wrong Thing" Images Festival. Toronto, Ontario, 2003
Conference: "Third Wave Feminism" University of Exeter. Exeter, England, 2002
Selection Committee Member - Images Festival. Toronto, Ontario, 2001
Juror - The Dora Mavor Moore Award. Toronto, Ontario, 1999-00
Juror -
Images Festival. Toronto, Ontario, 1997
Guest Lecturer - York University. Toronto, Ontario, 1996
Panelist: "Activating the Archive" Art Metropole. Toronto, Ontario, 1996
Guest Lecturer - Theatre Passe Muraille. Toronto, Ontario, 1996
Board Member - Charles Street Video. Toronto, Ontario, 1993
Board Member - The Power Plant. Toronto, Ontario, 1988-90
Guest Lecturer - Museum of Modern Art. New York, New York, 1989
Guest Lecturer - Newport School of Art. Caerleon, Wales, 1989
Founding Director - Images Festival. Toronto, Ontario, 1988
Guest Lecturer - Sheffield Polytechnic; Hull Polytechnic; Brighton Polytechnic. England, 1987
Guest Lecturer w/ Mary Kelly & Geoffrey James - The Banff School of Fine Art. Banff, Alberta, 1987
Founding Director/Publisher - "Diderot: Artist Tapes" - United Media Arts Studies. Toronto, Ontario, 1984
Board Member/Chairperson - Trinity Square Video. Toronto, Ontario, 1982